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Floor Graphics: Benefits & How To Use Them
2023年08月24日 本站原创 View:Size:161412打印
Every retailer needs effective signage to promote its brand and products to help customers quickly find what they need. Floor graphics are some of the best types of signage for can use in retail.
Read on to find out how floor decals can help grow your business and how they can be used effectively.

What Are the Benefits of Floor Graphics?

Floor graphics are some of the most cost-effective advertising solutions that grab attention and help drive sales, as long as they are used right. They provide several significant benefits, all of which lead to increased sales and revenue.
Catching Attention
With store shelves and aisles so busy with colorful products and signage, it is difficult to stand out and be noticed.  Many brands and retailers are increasingly considering floor graphics to draw attention to a particular shelf or aisle. Because floor graphics are applied usually on a neutral-colored floor any graphic will draw attention compared to an aisle sign that can get lost in the busy-ness of a product shelf. 
Building Brand Awareness
For retailers, custom floor graphics are a great way to help promote brand awareness and reflect its personality. Floor decals advertising at checkout or upon entry displaying your  company logo, motto, core values, and anything else that showcases your brand identity can aid in keeping your brand top-of-mind.   
Alternatively, floor graphics can be a great way to showcase achievements or awards your company have received, or any interesting facts about your business that will make your brand memorable. All of this will make you stand out from other stores and help customers remember you. 

Promoting Sales and New Products
One of the most popular uses of floor graphics is advertising on-sale products or new additions. Retailer floors offer free unobstructed advertising space which can be a great way to draw eyes.  Big-box store retailers across the nation have utilized floor decals to highlight shelves or products to draw excitement or sell high-margin products.  
Since floor graphics are quite affordable, it is common to see them used for temporary  promotions, discounts, and sales Then removed with relative ease with clean removal afterward.  

Directing Customers
Providing in-store directions is one of the most common uses of floor graphics. How does that benefit your business?
Reducing stress by helping patrons navigate a retail store is a great way to increase customer satisfaction.  While most directions or category signage is usually found overhead, floor graphics can be used to point people toward more temporary items like the most popular products, new offers, limited-time offers, and all those promotions discussed. It’s not enough to place an advertising decal in one or two spots (e.g., the front of the store), especially if you have a large store. You need to direct foot traffic towards those products that you want to sell quickly.
Floor graphics are also useful for providing optimum routes through all the aisles.  Floor decals are commonly made into arrow shapes and applied to the ground at each aisle entry assigning each aisle for one-way traffic.  You don’t want your customers to circle the aisles forever in search of particular products. Navigating them will improve their experience and entice them to come back.  
That’s especially important if you change your store’s layout. Exact directions will eliminate frustration and help customers find what they’re looking for quickly.

Saving Space
Traditional signs and posters can take up valuable space in a retail store. They can also get in the way of shoppers by protruding into the aisle, especially when the store is crowded. Floor graphics eliminate these issues.
An additional benefit is that floor decals require much less planning consideration since they don’t require mounting hardware, or have extensive installation or size considerations.  Floor decals can help optimize a retail spaces and remove any obstructions while catching people’s attention and driving sales.

How to Use Floor Graphics Effectively
The key to using floor graphics effectively is to place them where foot traffic is highest. Promotional floor decals installed  at the end of the store will only be seen by few and the ROI will be less dramatic.  

Depending on the goal, Floor decals can be strategically placed throughout the store to create a treasure hunt feel.  If rotated frequently and highlighting exciting deals or products, this can create additional foot traffic as patrons walk the store.    

Most importantly, floor decals are best placed at the point of purchase to influence impulse buyers. Shoppers standing near checkout lines will make last-minute purchases if you grab their attention with compelling graphics and offers.

Don’t underestimate the power of a “Welcome” floor decal at the front of the store. If it’s unique, creative, and reflects your brand’s personality, it can go a long way, even if it’s not of an advertising nature. Welcoming customers politely will never go out of style.

Lastly, floor graphics have been the go-to signage encourage social distancing in a fashionable and unobstructive way. Simple floor decals spaced every 6 feet where a queue of people form is a great way to keep the public safe.  Floor decals can be designed to stick to VCT tile, ceramic, wood, concrete, and low pile carpet.